为了更好地传播紧急信息,华盛顿 & 杰斐逊学院实施了一个由Omnilert提供支持的群发通知短信系统.  This emergency messaging system will alert students, faculty, 和工作人员在校园或天气紧急情况下通过短信到您的手机, e-mail, as well as RSS feeds and personalized web pages from Google, My Yahoo, and AOL.

现在就报名参加这项完全自愿的服务,以获得W&J emergency alerts. 不会向您发送任何广告或非紧急警报.  You must be registered to receive the alerts.

Before you register:

  • This service is completely voluntary; you may sign up for or cancel the service at any time.
  • 你要为短信费用负责,因为这些费用可能来自你的无线服务提供商. W&我将不负责您的服务提供商产生的任何费用.
  • 您的信息不会与第三方供应商共享或出售给第三方供应商.

New Users: Register Now
Existing Users: Log In to add an email or other phone numbers and accounts


家长可以通过让学生将手机号码和/或电子邮件地址添加到他/她的帐户来注册这项服务.  The student logs in and selects the Services tab.  可以在下面的菜单中添加其他号码或电子邮件.

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